Free! Given: m∠a + m∠b = m∠b + m∠c prove: m∠c = m∠a write a paragraph proof to prove the statement.

Given: m∠a + m∠b = m∠b + m∠c prove: m∠c = m∠a write a paragraph proof to prove the statement. We are here again with another (student satisfaction article). In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about this subject. Have a good works.

Given: m∠a + m∠b = m∠b + m∠c prove: m∠c = m∠a write a paragraph proof to prove the statement.

Given: m∠a + m∠b = m∠b + m∠c prove: m∠c = m∠a write a paragraph proof to prove the statement. Answers below.

If m∠A + m∠B = m∠B + m∠C, subtract  m∠B from both sides [ subtraction property of equality ].

We get that m∠A = m∠C and by the  symmetric property of equality, m∠C = m∠A .

What is the given information in the proof?

The given information in the proof is the equation m∠a + m∠b = m∠b + m∠c.

What is the statement that needs to be proven?

The statement that needs to be proven is m∠c = m∠a.

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